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更新时间:2024-10-16 02:33:37

  1、秋天的美是成熟的不像春那么羞涩,夏那么坦露,冬那么内向。Autumn is mature it is not so shy the spring and summer is so open, so to winter.

  2、秋后的后半夜。月亮下去了,太阳还没有出,只剩下一片乌蓝的天;除了夜游的东西,什么都睡着。 After the autumn night. The moon is down, the sun is not, only a piece of Ulam day; in addition to night things, what are sleeping.

  3、小草黄了,树叶黄了,我听见风踩在树叶上沙沙地响。Grass yellow, yellow leaves, I heard the wind on the leaves rustle.

  4、秋是安静的,在这个季节可以静下心来品味生活的每一段。Autumn is quiet, in this season you can calm down to taste the life of each section.

  5、秋天,在一场紧张的收割之后,转眼间一切都褪了颜色,一望无垠的土地苍黄地裸露着。Autumn, in a tense after harvest, suddenly everything faded, boundless land pale yellow bare.

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关键词: 赞美 秋季 英文 句子 大全
